
Need a quick repair? We'll always do our best to get your bike back on the trail/road/wherever you ride as soon as possible, because it's no fun being without a bike.
We would recommend that you get your bike serviced regularly, so those niggles don't turn into emergency repairs!
Our mechanics are all Cytec level 2 qualified and take special care over every bike they work on.

Take a look at our service menu, see what's best for you, the following are just a suggestion, every bike is different!

Safety Check £20
Standard Service £50
Deluxe Service £125
Some Common Repairs

E-Bike Servicing

e-Bike Software Update £20
Standard e-Bike Service £75
Premium e-Bike Service £150
Bosch Battery Capacitance Test £25
Bosch Battery storage preparation £25

Please note that all prices quoted are for labour and do not include the cost of parts.

Wheel Building

Wheel Building


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